We are eager to answer any questions you may have regarding our services and programs.
You can contact us during regular business hours by calling our main phone number. If you prefer email, just fill out the information below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Through the years, our coverage area has expanded beyond Delta County into the surrounding region. Now you can enjoy our propane service throughout Delta County, Montrose County, Ouray County and Mesa County. We provide propane products and services to the following communities: Austin, Cedaredge, Cimarron, Colona, Crawford, Delta, Eckert, Fruita, Gateway, Grand Junction, Hotchkiss, Lazear, Loma, Mack, Maher, Montrose, Olathe, Ouray, Paonia, Ridgway, Whitewater
If you live in any of these communities and use propane, we encourage you to look into our products and service.